Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Chapter 2 - "Can You Feel It" - 28th August 2012.

Time for my FIRST bath, and a change of clothes ...

You can find the FULL story on my facebook blog here ... https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.151017188386323.35118.150797015075007&type=3

You can check out the music slideshow to this chapter on Youtube here ... http://youtu.be/B2541kAYLLU

Chapter 2 - "Can You Feel It".

Now, I am sure that most of you humans probably dont remember your first bath ? Well, not being human myself, I do. Infact it was not long after I was released from the restraints of my plastic prison that discovered why a bath would be so important.

During my early life whilst fixed in my box it was not long after I became concious that I noticed this uncomfortable feeling on my body, it was itchy, scratchy and to be honest very irritating. Unfortunatley the way I was fixed in place there was no way that I could move about to try and investigate what was causing this problem, but it was something that I overheard most of the dolls in the store complaining about.

Over time I sort of got used to it, i still noticed it, like an annoying itch that you just cant scratch but I was able to almost tune it out. With the excitement of being released from my box however at first I was so overwhelmed with emotions and excitement that I forgot for a while but then the sensation returned, if I had skin it would have been crawling, but as it was the rubbery plastic of my legs that felt so uncomfortable I started to get rather concerned ?

I asked Holly about this straight away, but she just smiled at me and said "I think I know what the problem is, come with me its easily sorted". I felt reassured that I was in safe hand as she scooped me up and took me straight over to the kitchen sink. At first I was confused about what we were going to do but then after my dress was removed I saw that most of my body was absolutely covered in glitter from my dress!!! ... it was everywhere, and somehow seeing it made the itching even worse.

Now, you may be thinking that I had a nice long relaxing soak in a warm bath, well you would be wrong. The glitter was so well attached to me that it took quite a while of scrubbing, soaking and more soap before it finally all came off. Whilst I sat on the edge of the sink wrapped in a nice dry face cloth, feeling the most calm and comfortable that I had in my life, I did not relish the though of putting the dress back on!?!

It was as if Holly had read my mind, or perhaps she just noticed the look on my face but, before I could even mention anything the dress had been picked up and was also being washed and scrubbed. Now if you thought that getting glitter off a doll was hard, it was a picnic compared to how much effort it took to get it off the dress. I sat and watched in wonder as more and more sparkles gradually went floating down the plug hole ... I did start to wonder if there was any dress left under all that glitter ?

With my first bath and wash all over with, I was feeling a bit more cheerful. I was trying to make do with this sort of toga facecloth dress I had tried to wrap around me, whilst my dress was drying. Then Holly appeared again and handed me this.

"Its a dress that came with one of the other Cinderella dolls" she explained with excitement "She really doesn't need it, and when I told her about your situation she said that you can have it !".

I was so overcome by how nice everyone seemed here in my new home, everything was so wonderful and welcoming. I really could not have dreamed of a better place to live.

I graciously and thankfully accepted the lovely gift, and could not wait to try it on. Luckily an open hardback book made a nice little makeshift changing screen, so that I did not have to feel naked infront of all the other display dolls in the room.

When I came out, I asked Holly how I looked?

"See for yourself" she replied, lifting me up to the shelf with a mirror on the wall.

I could not believe it, was that really me ? I know this sounds silly, as I have seen what I look like many time before by seeing all my sister Cinderella dolls in store. But this was the first time that I had actually seen my own reflection for myself.

The dress looked so simple and elegant on me, and at once made me feel relaxed and comfortable, not a spec of glitter in sight. I caught myself starting to wonder what other interesting and exciting experiences I would be in store for in my new life ...?


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