Monday, 12 October 2015

'Feeling VERY under the weather !' :(

Apparently with the arrival of the autumn and winter months we're also treated to the start of the season of coughs, colds and runny noses too ... Great, what a treat for us all, hey ?! ... Perhaps NOT though.

I was HOPING to have had another chapter update of my adventures for you all by now.  Sadly however, I've been suffering with a nasty cold this last week, and as yet haven't really managed to do much except lay on the sofa and feel sorry for myself ... Sniffle-sniff.

Thankfully my lovely Rocky has been going all out to make me feel more comfortable though, and even Ruby & Emma have been doing there part too, which is so sweet.  They helped Daddy to make some tomato soup for me this evening which was incredibly adorable ... Awww.

But anyway, as much as I complain about my sufferings and whatnot, in actual fact I am feeling a touch stronger this evening, which is why I've managed to come online for a bit now :).  I still have a little way to go before I'm back to normal again of course, but I HOPE I'm now over the worst ... Fingers crossed.

With any luck I'll be fighting fit and will see you all again in no time at all.  But as much as I'd like to chat more now, I'm feeling a little muzzy in the head again as it happens, so I think it may be time for another lie down ... Zzzzzzzz.

Toodle-oo for the moment then my lovelies (Sniff-sniff snortle sniffle),

Love from the VERY red-nosed,

Ella x

You can check out my blog about my life as a Disney doll, including many many photos of my adventures, on my facebook page here ...

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