Chapter 18 - "Bad Romance" - 19th September 2012.
An unexpected encounter with my former-crush leads to a rather scary and worrying situations for me. So what do you do when someone wont take "No" for an answer ? ... Hope and pray for a miracle perhaps ? But will one appear in time ? ...
You can find the FULL story on my facebook blog here ...
You can check out the music slideshow to this chapter on Youtube here ...
Chapter 18 - "Bad Romance".
Today I was feeling a little happier after the chat I had with Rocky yesterday had eased the pressure of things a little. I decided to take a stroll around the ground floor, as I sometimes do to pass the time. I was heading towards the dining room and could still picture the overwhelming romance that had swept over me when I had last been there with Rocky in my arms. I was almost dancing my way across the room, this time singing tunes from the Phantom of the Opera, Rocky and I had been listening to the soundtrack together on the ipod, just last night.
Rocky knew how much I loved musicals and thought Phantom would be something I would like, and he wasn’t wrong. Personally I don’t think he’s a musicals kinda guy myself, but he did seem to like this particular one. He told me all about how much of a huge thing it had been when it first opened back in the mid 80’s, and how Holly’s parents went to see the show back then, in the first few months of it opening. They bought a cd of the songs at the time which even though she was very young, Holly loved so much that she borrowed it and still has not got around to returning it to this day ! Supposedly she finally got to see the actual show herself on her 21st Birthday too.
It was amazing how much I had learnt from Rocky about the history etc of the household, but sometimes it did make me feel far too new, young and unaware of anything. I did however find his experience and wisdom an extremely attractive quality, and I was reassured to know that he was always there to talk to if I wanted, which for a naïve little doll like me, was something that I was in regular need of.
Anyway, I was prancing across the room singing the main title song from Phantom at the top of my voice “In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came, that voice which calls to me, and speaks my name, and do I dream again, for now I find, the Phaaa..ahh !!”.
“I have been waiting for you to walk back into my life again” said Kirk in a rather broody tone, I think he was trying to be charming, but to me he just came across cheesey and a little too full of himself this time.
After I said “Hello” I stood there looking at him, I was very struck by the fact that he did not appear as handsome and dreamy as when we had previously met. His face lacked expression, he didn’t seem to have a very nice smile, or much of a smile at all in fact, and his eyes appeared so pale and washed out compared to the lovely bright blue colour of my Rocky’s eyes. I had to laugh at myself and really wondered what on earth I had seen in this guy when I had briefly fancied him before in my moment of obvious sheer madness ?
I began to feel increasingly uncomfortable around Kirk though as he continued talking to me in a way that, I felt, was a little too familiar and inappropriate.
“I saw you on Friday in that sexy red dress and hoped you would be by again to see me, so that we could finish where we left off before … that screechy little cowgirl doll isn’t around anywhere is she ?” he looked around to check that we were indeed alone, although at that moment I wished that Calamity had been with me, as something about this whole situation did not feel at all right.
I was a little shocked that Kirk had seen me on Friday, but then when I thought about it, Rocky and I had parked the car on the edge of the dining room that evening, so we would most likely have been in sight of him as we got in or out of the jeep. But the thing that made me really feel on edge was the implication that he thought I was actually coming to see him now to continue something from weeks ago.
Things got even more extremely awkward though when he looked at me as if her was trying to do a ‘Flynn Ryder’ smoulder and proceeded to touch my face !
I turned away and stood a little further back from him, hoping that he would get the hint. I had not given him a second thought since our first meeting, how full of himself is this guy that he thinks I would be that taken with him ? OK, granted at the time when we had first met I did sort of slobber all over him a bit, which may have given that impression, but I certainly wasn’t giving him any signs like that now !
I really wondered if Kirk had a problem with reading body language as he was still undeterred by my reaction to him, or maybe he saw my obvious disinterest as more of a challenge ? Whatever it was, he was pushing things well beyond the bounds of propriety when he came close, put his arm around me, and started to lean in close.
I tried to get him to back off saying “Please don’t” whilst trying to push him away a bit. This was all starting to get far too uncomfortable for me and I just wanted a way out !
As I turned around trying to leave back in the direction that I had come from he, quick as lightening, seemed to move to that side and block me exit with his arm. What was this guy on ? and why could he not seem to grasp the simple concept of no ? I wondered if he thought this was all a big game, but I did not find it at all funny, I was not playing hard to get if that is what he was thinking, and I really just wished he would leave me alone.
I tried again to get away again, but this time he grabbed my arm rather tightly, and said.
“Dollface, you know you don’t want to leave really, you cant deny the chemistry between us”.
Dollface? .. really ? … god this guy still doesn’t even know what my name is. And as for the chemistry comment, oh yes I flippin can deny it, after this ungentlemanly display I would no more want to be intimate with this guy than I would with a monkeys backside. I started to panic and tried to squirm my way out of his grip as I got a little more cross and rather angrily declared .
“Get off, let me go !!”.
But Kirk still wouldn’t listen, only replying “Ooh you’re a firey little thing aren’t you Dollface, I like that in a girl”.
I tried to keep pushing him away, but he was much stronger than I was, and with the amount I had been struggling to try and free my arm from his ever tightening hold I was, in a way, glad I was a doll made of plastic as I am sure I would have ended up black and blue had I been flesh and blood like all you humans. But at that moment doll or not, if I had known of a way to detach my arm so that I could have escaped I would have gladly made that sacrifice.
I was almost crying as I started to plead uncontrollably.
“Stop it, stop it, please don’t, no, let me go, please, you’re hurting me”.
I was trapped, there was no way out, and for the very first time in my entire life I felt VERY frightened !
“I think the lady said No!”.
I looked up, rather alarmed and worried about what was happening now, and was so surprised, but relieved at the same time, to see Rocky standing there! I had never ever been so happy to see him in my life (and that was saying something). I don’t know if it was just luck, if he had heard my squeals, or if he just sensed that I had needed him ? But whatever the reason, he was here at just the right moment, although a little earlier may have been a little more helpful on reflection, but I wasn’t exactly going to be that picky about the manner of my rescue, was I ? As he briefly looked at me, he gently smiled as if to try and make me realise that everything would be ok now, I think he had hopes that his smile might help to start calming me down from my overly panicked state, and in fact it did make me feel a little better.
Rocky then just stared right at Kirk, coldly and directly, not saying a single word, it was almost as if these two guys were having some kind of telepathic conversation that I was not aware of, as by now Kirk had loosened his hold on me enough so that I could finally break free.
I leaped into Rockys arms as though my life depended on it, I held on so tightly whilst quivering in fear, almost crying from relief that my ordeal was now over. I finally started to feel safe again as he held me close and whispered ever so softly in my ear.
“Don’t cry Sweetheart, its ok, its all over now, your safe, I’m here”.
But I could tell that even though he was talking to me so lovingly, Rocky was still looking straight at Kirk, who by now had realised that he was in a bit a pickle himself and so tried to feebly explain his actions with “Hey we were just chatting and she freaked out about something, I was just trying to calm her down”.
Realising that Rocky was never going to swallow that load of twaddle, Kirk turned to try and make a speedy departure but was a little surprised to find Rio was standing there looking rather chilled, but very intimidating all the same. He also gave Kirk a look, but this one was more of a sarcky smile that told him there was no escape from this one. I could not believe my luck, not only had Rocky come to my rescue but he had also brought back up, but then I am sure Rocky would do the same in return for Rio if anyone had ever tried anything like this with Jem. Those two guys were as close as brothers and they always had each other backs.
“Rio, mate, long time no see” said Kirk, trying to cover up the fact that he had almost tried to run away. I cant believe he thought he was going to fumble his way out of this one that easily.
Rio looked him up an down and simply replied “Kirk … mate … I think you need a lesson in the proper way to treat a lady”.
Kirks responses were starting to sound more concerned “Look, whatever you thought you saw, its not what it looked like, I can assure you that ..”.
“No, I can assure you … Dollface” interrupted Rio sounding ever so stern, not even giving Kirk the opportunity to finish his next excuse “we know ‘exactly’ what was going on here, so don’t worry there is no ‘misunderstanding’ going on for us!”.
And with that Rocky and Rio looked at one another for a split second, it felt as though they also had had one of the those silent telepathic chats that didn’t need any words to communicate what the other was thinking. But I still didn’t really have a clue what was really going on, maybe it was some kind of guy thing that I just didn’t understand ?
Seeing that I had calmed down a fair bit by now, Rocky scooted me behind him in a protective sort of manner, but continued to stare straight at Kirk whilst asking Rio “Mate, would you mind taking Ella next door for me? get her a warm drink or something to help calm her nerves”.
“No problem” he replied “sure you don’t want me to stay?”.
Rocky smiled slyly, sounding so confident and almost like he was mischievously up to something in his response, even though he still had not broken eye contact with Kirk all this time.
“Thanks Mate, but I can handle this”.
Rio gently took my elbow saying “Come along Ella” encouraging me to go with him. Even though I knew that I would be safe with Rio I had really wanted to stay with Rocky all the same, but it did not sound as if I had a choice in the matter.
As we started to walk away in the direction of the kitchen I glanced behind feeling a bit confused as I didn’t quite know what was going on. I called back to Rocky a little worriedly asking “Are you not coming with us then ?”.
“I’ll be along in just a few minutes, don’t worry” he replied smiling away “I am just gonna have a little ‘CHAT’ with our friend Kirk here”.
I could see that for some reason Rocky had grabbed Kirk by the scruff of his collar, as if to stop his escape or something. I also wondered why Rocky was smiling in such an odd manner ? But its not like I was allowed to hang around to find out.
“Come along Ella, lets get you that warm drink now shall we ?” said Rio, sounding as if he was trying to hurry me along.
I still could not help looking back as we walked on, wondering what it was Rocky was going to say to Kirk in this ‘chat’ of theirs? When I asked Rio, he smiled and cryptically replied.
“Don’t worry, you won’t be getting any more problems from that guy”.
When Rocky did finally join us in the Kitchen, about 10 minutes later, he was all smiles and made a big fuss over me, but he never did really answer when I asked what he and Kirk had talked about in private ? I couldn’t help but wonder if more had happened than any of them were letting on ? … maybe it’s a guy thing ? For the life of me sometimes I really cannot fathom the way mens minds work ? Especially this strange almost telepathic look/conversation thing that I had witnessed several times today, what was that all about ? And how come they all seemed to know what the other was saying with just a blank look and I hadn’t the foggiest ?
All in all, the whole thing has left me with many more questions than answers, and somehow I have the sneaky suspicion they will never let me know the truth of what really went down when I wasn’t there!
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